California Laws|Section 127501.12.



(a) (1) The board shall establish a Health Care Affordability Advisory Committee to provide input, including recommendations, to the board and the office on a range of areas, including, but not limited to, all of the following:

(A) A statewide health care cost target and specific targets by health care sector and geographic region.

(B) The methodology for setting cost targets and adjustment factors to modify cost targets when appropriate.

(C) Definitions of health care sectors.

(D) Benchmarks for primary care and behavioral
health spending.

(E) Statewide goals for the adoption of alternative payment models and standards.

(F) Quality and equity metrics.

(G) Standards to advance the stability of the health care workforce.

(H) Other areas requested by the board or the office.

(2) The advisory committee may provide input, including recommendations, to the board regarding board requests for data analysis performed by the office, but does not have authority to direct data analysis or any other work performed by the office.

(b) (1) The board shall appoint the members of the advisory committee. Appointments shall be made by a
majority vote of the voting members of the board. When appointing members to the advisory committee, the board shall aim for broad representation, including, at a minimum, representatives of consumer and patient groups, payers, fully integrated delivery systems, hospitals, organized labor, health care workers, medical groups, physicians, and purchasers, and shall apply the same considerations of demonstrated knowledge, expertise, diversity, and personal experience outlined in paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, of subdivision (c) of Section 127501.10.

(2) Each appointed member shall serve at the discretion of the board and may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the voting members of the board.

(3) The advisory committee members shall not have access to confidential, nonpublic information that is accessible to the board and office. Instead, the advisory committee shall only
have access to information that is publicly available. Neither the board nor the office shall disclose any confidential, nonpublic information to the advisory committee members.

(4) Advisory committee members shall receive reimbursement for travel and other actual costs.

(c) (1) The advisory committee shall meet at least four times per year or when requested by the board.

(2) At least one member of the board shall attend the advisory committee meetings.

(3) Advance notice of any advisory committee meetings shall be posted on the office’s internet website to allow for public participation at the meetings. Meeting minutes of all advisory committee meetings and input, including recommendations, on proposed cost targets shall be posted
on the office’s internet website.

(d) The board shall consider input, including recommendations, from the advisory committee, along with public comments, in the board’s deliberation and decisionmaking.

(Added by Stats. 2022, Ch. 47, Sec. 19. (SB 184) Effective June 30, 2022.)
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