California Laws|Section 3548.1.



(a) If the mediator is unable to effect settlement of the controversy within 15 days after his appointment and the mediator declares that factfinding is appropriate to the resolution of the impasse, either party may, by written notification to the other, request that their differences be submitted to a factfinding panel. Within five days after receipt of the written request, each party shall select a person to serve as its member of the factfinding panel. The board shall, within five days after such selection, select a chairperson of the factfinding panel. The chairperson designated by the board shall not, without the consent of both parties, be the same person who served as mediator pursuant to Section 3548.

(b) Within five days after the board selects a chairperson of the factfinding panel, the parties may mutually agree upon a person to serve as chairperson in lieu of the person selected by the board.

(Amended by Stats. 1980, Ch. 949.)
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1 JACKSON LEWIS P.C. ADAM Y. SIEGEL (SBN 238568) 2 725 South Figueroa Street, Suite 2500 3 Los Angeles, California 90017-5408 Telephone: (213) 689-0404 4 JACKSON LEWIS P.C. 5 SEAN PAISAN (SBN 227727) Sean.Pai…

Case Filed

Feb 21, 2021

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Kern County, CA

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Aug 10, 2022

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