Opposition to (P#111) Defendants' motion for costs and attorney's fees filed by

On March 18, 2013 a malpractice - other case was filed by Yatsenick, Joal, and Yatsenick, Rick, represented by Bowen, Esq., Kevin F, Galletta, Esq., Brian K, and Price, Esq., Eric, against Curley, Stacey, David Dillon Dba, Edgar, Charles, and Old Wharf Village Llc, represented by Bellas, Esq., Jeffrey, Chiodo, Esq., Lynne M, Duggan, Esq., Stephen J, Harsch, Esq., David Randall, and Perkins, Esq., Djuna E, in the jurisdiction of Barnstable County. Judge Mark C. Gildea presiding.

F) ORIGINAL COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, ss. SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT CIVIL ACTION NO. 1372EV00125 - ) RICK YATSENICK and JOAL VATSENICR } JAN 1 2019 Plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) ) OLD WHARF VILLAGE, LLC, ) CHARLES EDGAR, DAVID DILLON ) D/B/A DILLON REAL ESTATE, and ) STACEY CURLEY, ) Defendants. ) ee PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO THE DEFENDANTS’ MOTION FOR COSTS AND ATTORNEYS?’ FEES Now comes the Plaintiffs, Rick Yatsenick and Joal Yatsenick, by and through counsel in the above captioned matter, and respectfully requests this Honorable Court deny the Defendants’ Motion for Costs. The Plaintiffs advance affidavits from Attorney Brian K. Galletta, Attorney Kevin F. Bowen, Attorney Martin A. Loria, Attorney Eric H. Price, and Attorney Douglas A. Troyer in support of this Opposition and further state the following: A. THE MERITS OF THE PLAINTIFFS’ VERIFIED COMPLAINT HAVE BEEN TESTED NUMEROUS TIMES BY THIS HONORABLE COURT Pursuant to Mass. G. L. ch. 231 sec. 6(f), no acti…

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