Plaintiff Rick Yatsenick, Joal Yatsenick's Motion for Court order regarding plaintiffs' testimony concerning Stacey Curley

On March 18, 2013 a malpractice - other case was filed by Yatsenick, Joal, and Yatsenick, Rick, represented by Bowen, Esq., Kevin F, Galletta, Esq., Brian K, and Price, Esq., Eric, against Curley, Stacey, David Dillon Dba, Edgar, Charles, and Old Wharf Village Llc, represented by Bellas, Esq., Jeffrey, Chiodo, Esq., Lynne M, Duggan, Esq., Stephen J, Harsch, Esq., David Randall, and Perkins, Esq., Djuna E, in the jurisdiction of Barnstable County. Judge Mark C. Gildea presiding.

&, » RICK YATSENICK and JOAL AYRE IR COURT ARNSTABLE, SS FILED} NOV veal. day Lr COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSHTTS dell 1. Ules.Clerk BARNSTABLE, ss. SUPERIOR C CIVIL ACTION NO. 1372CV00125 YATSENICK. Plaintiffs, Vv. OLD WHARF VILLAGE, LLC, CHARLES EDGAR, DAVID DILLON D/B/A DILLON REAL ESTATE, and STACEY CURLEY, Defendants. atl PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR A COURT ORDER REGARDING PLAINTIFFS’ TESTIMONY CONCERNING STACEY CURLEY Now comes the Plaintiffs, Rick Yatsenick and Joal Yatsenick, in the above captioned action and respectfully requests this Honorable Court to issue an order on the matter of the non- disparagement and confidentiality clauses contained within the settlement agreement between the Plaintiffs and Attorney Stacey Curley. In support thereof the Plaintiffs state as follows: The Plaintiffs released any and all claims against former co-defendant, Stacey Curley, in the above captioned action. In doing so, the Plaintiffs and Stacey Curley executed a m…

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