Affidavit of John J. Egan, Esq.

On September 29, 2015 an employment discrimination case was filed by Duda, M.D., Francis J., represented by Sapirstein, Esq., Tani E, against Baystate Medical Practices, Inc., represented by Cannon, Esq., Jennifer Keith, and Kennedy, Esq., Mary J, in the jurisdiction of Hampden County. Judge Mark D. Mason presiding.

COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT HAMPDEN, ss. Superior Court Department Civil Action No: 15-679 FRANCIS J. DUDA, M.D. ) ) Plaintiff ) ) HAMPDEN GOUNTY SUPERIOR GOURT v. } FILED BAYSTATE MEDICAL ) SUL 17 20% PRACTICES, INC. ) fikia BAYSTATE MEDICAL ) A EDUCATION AND RESEARCH ) IK OF CEURTS FOUNDATION, INC. ) ) Defendant ) AFFIDAVIT OF JOHN J. EGAN |, John J. Egan, being duly sworn, state as follows: 1. | am over the age of eighteen (18) and have direct knowledge of the facts contained herein. 2. lam an attorney licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | became licensed to practice in Massachusetts in 1969. 3. lam a partner in Egan, Flanagan & Cohen, P.C. 4, | concentrate my practice in Civil litigation. 5. lam generally familiar with the hourly rates charged by attorneys in the Springfield area. An hourly rate of $425.00 for an attorney engaged in a litigation practice with thirty-six (36) years of experience is reasonable. 1.36. …

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