Opposition to (P#19) Defendant's Motion in Limine to exclude certain testimony of Lori Hinds and Lori Miller regarding the soundness of treatment decisions made by Plaintiff. (Limited Opposition) filed by Francis J. Duda, M.D.

On September 29, 2015 an employment discrimination case was filed by Duda, M.D., Francis J., represented by Sapirstein, Esq., Tani E, against Baystate Medical Practices, Inc., represented by Cannon, Esq., Jennifer Keith, and Kennedy, Esq., Mary J, in the jurisdiction of Hampden County. Judge Mark D. Mason presiding.

COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT HANPDEN, ss. Superior Court Department Civil Action No: 15-679 | FRANCIS J. DUDA, M.D. Plaintiff HAMPDEN cou Vv. SUPERIOR NTY FILED BAYSTATE MEDICAL PRACTICES, INC. fikla BAYSTATE MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. Cre OF ale i { PLAINTIFF'S LIMITED OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT’S MOTION JN LIMINE TO EXCLUDE CERTAIN TESTIMONY OF LORI HINDS AND LORI MILLER REGARDING THE SOUNDNESS OF TREATMENT DECISIONS MADE BY PLAINTIFF = = = w = 8 os Defendant Now comes Francis J. Duda, M.D., the Plaintiff in the above-captioned matter (“Duda”) and asserts this Limited Opposition To Defendant's Motion in Limine To Exclude Certain Testimony Of Lori Hinds And Lori Miller Regarding The Soundness Of Treatment Decisions Made By Plaintiff. In his case in chief, Duda intends to call Lori Hinds, his scribe (“Hinds”) and Lori Miller, his longtime respiratory therapist (‘Miller’). It is anticipated that Hinds and Miller will testify t…

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