STIPULATION - DISCONTINUANCE (POST RJI) - Stipulation of Discon't as to all parties

On August 7, 2012 a medical malpractice case was filed by By His F.N.G Darell Jones, and Ryan Jones, represented by Gammons, Matthew T, and Rosenbaum, Craig Daniel, against Bradley Dean Gerber M.D., Lowell B. Barek M.D., Mark J. Decker M.D. et al. represented by Goldberg, Melissa Stacy, Hickey, Christine Beggs, Kohn, Katie Louise, and Nakahara, Yuko Ann, in the jurisdiction of Nassau County. Judge James Mccormack presiding.

FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 02/19/2015 12:30 PM INDEX NO. 601537/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 40 martin CLEARWATER BE PAGE 02/03 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/19/2015 01/15/2015 15!5B 2129497054 S&ME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU ____________ i KwIwES. by his f/n/g DARBLL STiPtJLATlON Of DlSCOI4TtNVANCl& Plaintiff, ■VVTTH FREJWDJCE …

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