On June 21, 2024 a special proceedings - cplr article 78 case was filed by William Grey Law Office Pllc, represented by Grey, William Andrew, against The New York City Department Of Transportation, in the jurisdiction of New York County.

FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 01:32 PM INDEX NO. 155710/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ——————————————————————-x In re Application of WILLIAM GREY LAW OFFICE PLLC, Petitioner, Index No. / For a Judgment under Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules -against- MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF VERIFIED PETITION THE NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Respondent. ——————————————————————-x PETITIONERS MEMOR…

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