Donna Caracino's Memorandum in support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction

On June 10, 2024 an other tortious action case was filed by Caracino, Donna, represented by Hirsch, Esq., Jillian B, Lewis, Esq., Davina, and Scharf, Esq., Yuliya Gertsberg, against Caracino, Anthony, in the jurisdiction of Middlesex County.

COMMONWEALTH 5 OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, ss. SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMEN s CIVIL ACTION NO: dy 4) wl ) It oT DONNA CARACINO, ee TS FOR Plaintiff, v, Sad 4 O 2i2h ANTHONY CARACINO, in his capacity as trustee of the Donato and Carolina Caracino Gf 2 CLERK Family Trust, …

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