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  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview


V \a JAY SMITH (CA Bar N0. 166105) JOSHUA ADAMS (CA Bar No. 261658) supERmRF I L E D MlTZl MARQUEZ-AVILA (CA Bar No. 329032) COUNT ‘ _ ., 7 IMRMA SAN B" mmarquczQF/‘gslaworg :1: ,uflo GILBERT & SACKMAN A LAW CORPORATION MAR o 7 3699 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1200 2m Los Angeles. California 900l0-2732 Tel: (323) 938-3000 B Fax: (323) 937-9139 ( ”:d' h to J W put Y 769’ GONG Attorneys for Non—Pany USW Local HON SEANNEB OO SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ll FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESPERANZA PEREZ, an individual Case N0. C1VDSI920836 Plaintiffi Assigned For All Purposes To Hon. Thomas Garza; Dept. S27 vs. OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF’S EX KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS, ET PARTE APPLICATION AND MEMORANDUM 0F POINTS & AL» AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT THEREOF Defendants. Ex Parte Hearing Date: March 7. 2024 Ex Parte Hearing Time: 8:30 a.m. Ex Parte Hearing Place: Dept. $27 MEMO 0F POINTS & AUTHORITIES ISO OPP TO PLAINTIFF‘S EX PARTE APP V V MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES Local 7600 0f the United Steel. Paper & Forestry. Rubber. Manufacturing. Energy. Allied Industrial & Service Workers International Union. AFL-CIO. CLC (“USW Local 7600"). through undersigned counsel, vehemently objects and opposes Plaintiff Esperanza Perez‘s ex parte application to compel complete compliance with the Subpoena to the Custodian of Records of USW Local 7600. Plaintiff‘s ex parte application is unnecessary. improper. and substantively defective. and thus. should be denied. I. PLAINTIFF HAS FAILED TO MAKE THE REQUIRED SHOWING 0F IRREPARABLE HARM, IMMEDIATE DANGER, OR PROVIDE ANOTHER STATUTORY BASIS FOR 10 GRANTING EX PARTE RELIEF ll In order t0 prevail on this ex parte application. Plaintiff needs to “make an affirmative factual showing . . . of irreparable harm. immediate danger. 0r any other statutory basis for granting relief ex parte." Cal. Rules 0f Court, rule 3.1202(c). "A trial court should deny an ex pane application absent the requisite showing." People ex rel. Allstate Ins. ('0. v. Suh (2019) 37 Cal.App.5th 253. 257. Here. none 0f the requisite factors can be shown and Plaintiff‘s ex parte application must be denied. II. USW LOCAL 7600 HAS FULLY COMPLIED WITH PLAINTIFF’S SUBPOENA As stated in the declarations of Jay Smith. Counsel for USW Local 7600. and Micheal Barnett. President of USW Local 7600. USW Local 7600 has provided all documents in their possession and control that are responsive t0 Plaintift‘s Subpoena and Plaintiff‘s counsel has been informed 0f this fact. ‘ ee Declaration 0f Jay Smith (“Smith Decl."). W 2-1 1: Ex. G: Declaration of Micheal Barnett ("Barnett Decl."). Documents that were not provided d0 not exist 0r cannot be found. Barnett Decl.. 1] 3. USW Local 7600 has completely complied with Plaintiff‘s Subpoena. and thus. an ex parre application compelling complete compliance with the Subpoena is unnecessary. improper. and substantively defective. Indeed. 0n December 5. 2023. Plaintiff‘s counsel. Twila White, emailed Mr. Smith a Subpoena t0 USW Local 7600. Smith Decl.. HZ. A true and accurate copy 0f the December 5, 2023 email and Subpoena is attached t0 Mr. Smith‘s declaration as Exhibit A. After a diligent search and inquiry. USW Local 7600 emailed Mr. Smith’s office true copies 0f all the original documents that were responsive to 2 MEMO ()F POINTS & AUTHORITIES ISO OPP T0 PLAINTIFF'S EXPARTE APP