Motion in Limine re: - #4 -TO PRECLUDE "GOLDEN RULE" ARGUMENT

On February 26, 2019 a personal injury motor vehicle unlimited case was filed by Perez, Graciano, represented by Basseri, Andisheh Andy, against Goss, Barry, represented by Macdonald & Cody Llp, in the jurisdiction of San Bernardino County. Judge Gilbert Ochoa presiding.

— SCOTT L. MACDONALD, ESQ. (SBN 171865) JENNIFER H. CAPONEGRI, ESQ. (SBN 316562) MACDONALD & CODY, LLP 3400 Central Ave. Suite 300 ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA Riverside, CA 92506 COUNT Y OF SAN BERNARDINO (951) 877-3299; Fax: (951) 877-3317 JUN U7 2023 Attorneys for Defendant BARRY GOSS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 10 11 GRACIANO PEREZ, Case No.: CIVDS1906101 [Unlimited Civil Jurisdiction - Demand exceeds $25,000] 12 Plaintiff, vs. Assigned for All Purposes to: 13 …

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