Proof of Service (not Summons and Complaint) By Substituted Service - Document

On March 17, 2021 an unlimited civil case was filed in the jurisdiction of Sacramento County. Judge Jill H. Talley presiding.

Attorney or Party without Attorney: for Court Use Only MATTHEW D. CAPLAN (#SBN 260388) COOLEY LLP 101 CALIFORNIA ST REET5TH FLOOR SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 Telephone No: (415) 693-2000 FiLEO/EI\IOOBSED Ref. No. or File No.: Attorney For. Plaintiff MAR 2 5 2021 Insen name of Coun, andJudicial District and Branch Court: SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO By:. T. Crowth(;r Plaintiff PUBLIC.RES0URCE.ORG, INC. Defendant: CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW; et al. P R O O F O F SERVICE Hear…

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