Separate Statement Filed - In Support of Motion for Summary Judgment

On January 22, 2020 a personal injury motor vehicle unlimited case was filed by Moran, Lisa, and Moran, Ricardo, represented by Hunt, Steven Daily, against Desert Valley Hospital, Desert Valley Hospital, Inc., Does 2-50 et al. represented by Walker Law Group Llp, in the jurisdiction of San Bernardino County. Judge Winston Keh presiding.

To: 19097088586 Page: 59 of 7” 2021-01-28 21:28:36 GMT From: Walker Mann \I \r I WALKER & \/lA\\ LLP Jeffrey A. Walker, State Bar No. l79734 2 iwalkerdfiwalkcrmann.c0m Laura L. Hummasti, State Bar N0. 30271 5 3 lhummastié s 5’: 5 . 10832 Laurel Street, Suite 204 …

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