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  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview


\a F SUPERIOR couaT or CALoFORmA I L E D COUNTY 0F SAN asawomo 'l’\\ila S. White. SBN: 20743-1 8AM eaanmomo 0.3mm LAW OFFICE ()F T\VILA S. \VHITE IJ 2615 Pacific Coast Higlmuy. Suilc 325 Hcrmosa Beach. California 00254 ’l‘clcphonc: (2 3) 38l-874‘) l Facsimile: (3l3) 38l-87‘N Attorneys for PlaintiffESPERANZA PliRlI/ av Wh— , AUG 04 I I 2023 HAauess. DEPUTY aZ‘x a» SUPERIOR COURT ()F THE STATE ()F CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY ()F SAN BERNADINO ESPERANZA PEREZ. ('usc No.1 ('IVD81920836 Plaintiff. lAssigncd l0 Ihc Hon. Thomas S. Garza. vs. Dept. SZ7| .N‘ KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPI'I‘ALS. u California Corporation: KAISIZR PLAINI‘IFF‘S SEPARATE FOUNDATION HEALTH l’|./\T\'. INC. u STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF H lliRN California Corporation: und S()l T I’LAIN'I‘IFF‘S NOTICE AND MOTION CALIFORNIA PliRMANl-IN'l'li Mlil)l('/\l T0 ()l'ASll DEFENDANTS’ GROUP. INC. a California Corporation: Sl'Bl’OENA ()F BUSINESS AND TAWNA BRUUN. an Individual; and [)()I{S EMPLOYM ENT RECORDS TO l through 50. lnclusiw. ('l'STOIHAN ()F RECORDS FOR Defendants. RIVERSIDE POST ACUTE CARE /\("I'l().\’ |-'ll,l‘.l): MARCH 20. 20H) 'I‘Rl [)IX‘l-ZMBI‘IR ll. \l l) \'l'|{: 2023 Dulc: \'m cmhcr I(w. 2033 'I‘imc: XSULUH. Dcpl: $37 l PI. \INTn-‘rs SI‘MRVH s1 \1 I‘\ui\"l' I\ SI'PI’OR i '<)TI’I"\T§ [TI I“s\'<)'l’u‘l' -\\'I) \1<)'I’I()\ mol‘ \SH l)l.l I’\'I)\\IS' M BI’OI \ \ ()l I‘ll Sl\| \S \\I)l \H’l ()\ \ll \l RI (‘()RI)S l()(‘l‘S'l()[)l \\ ()l RH‘URDSFHR Rl\| R\Il)| l’()\| \(‘l II (' \Rl Plaintiff I'cspcclmll} \ubmils Ihc follmx'ing separate slatcmcnl in support 0f Pluimifl‘a Notice And Motion l0 Qualsh Dcfcndants‘ Subpoena ()t‘Busincss And [imploymcm Records ll IJ ('uslodiun ()l‘Rcmrdx | or Riwnidc Post Aculc (kn‘c. b) I‘hc subpoena rcaldx us Ihllmw. l. Subpoena issued tn RIVERSIDE POST A(‘UTE CARE 'l‘hc subpoena issued lo RIVERSIDE POST A(‘U'I‘F. CARE sccks [he folkming records: ,r\n_\ and uII rccords and other information in your possession. custody 11nd/or comml rcluling 10 ESPERANZA PEREZ (SSN: ***-**—()243; DOB: ll/ZO [968) ("My Purcz") \xilh regards to hcr cmploymcm with Riversidc l’nslAcuIc (1m: (“the Company") und/or hcr separation from Ihc Company. The records shall includc but not bc limited Io Ms. I’crcz' job applications undr’or documcnls rclulcd In hcr hiring. payroll record(s). W-Zs. und/or bcucfil cmillcnmnux) from March l. 202]. I0 thc present. Response and Objection t0 the subpoena A. Perez‘s Emplnynwnt Records Arc Protected by her Constitutional Right t0 Privacy. ll is \\c|l usluhlixhcd lhul cmplmmcm records arc within a constitutionally protected lone 0f primcy. 15cc. c g . Ifmm/ u/ l‘ruxlcux r Superior ('nm-I 1 |‘)8|) I I‘) Cal.Apde SIO). l’crc/s cmployncnl rccordx t’mm hcr \uhxcqucnl cmplmcrs urc protected h)‘ Ihc right of privuc) wt forth in lhc ('ulilkn‘nia (‘nnxlilulimL (Scc. Lag. [fl Dnruzln Savings (C 1.0m] Anne, r. Supcr/m ('nur/ 1|‘)X7) l0!) (';||.,\pp.§d R42. 345-346). 'l‘hc (‘alitbrnia Supreme (‘ourl in l'u/lm' [funk \'. .S'n/wr/ur ('uur/ u/ Sun .lmu/um ('uun/y slated that we may .s‘q/i'b' assume Ilmt the right 0f privacy extends m nm'K ¢mg/idcmiulfinancial qflilirx (( I 975) 15 Cal. 3d. (>52. ()56). thrc a purl} sccks lo discmcr documents subject 10 lhc constitutional right [0 prime) (cg. cnmlmmcnl rccm‘dxl. Ihul purl} hears lhc burden 0f establishing u compelling nccd for the discmcr). (l)u\'/\ r .X'u/u'rmr ('um‘l (I‘NZ) 7 ('al./\pp.4th l008. 10H: Lani: v. Supw'mr ('nm‘IH‘NJ) 28 (’ul4x\pp.4lh 183‘). IXSS). This burden is a significant onc that is not cusil) owrwmu "Plaintiff is ImI rmnpcllctl. us a condition tn entering: u umrrrmun. m discard entirely lwr mantle u] privaqn" (l'mmn r, Superior (1987 43(‘al.3d 833 all 8-1143 (italics 11nd cmphusis uddcd); w “PI \INI'Ii’I‘R‘xI IVCR \ HSiTfiKfiTI [K xl'lwokl ()I'M \I\IH'I“s\<)H(‘I‘ wnwn'nw mol' \sl'l m I I \mux \1 mun \ mu m 5N ss \\m \wl m \u \I RI mm» mu slum \\