Order - Order Granting Defendant and Cross-Complainant Matthew J. Lucido's Motion to Vacate or for Relief from Judgment

On October 27, 2016 a breach of rental/lease contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (general jurisdiction) case was filed by 510Pacificave, represented by Miller Robert, against Jdf Law P.C., Lucido Matthew J., and Mathew Lucido J., represented by Fowler John Dale Esq., in the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Judge Gail Ruderman Feuer presiding.

O O 2? S _ FHLED 1 SupenorConrt ofCalifomia 2 County of Los Angelcs 3 DEC 1’ 4 2018 _ 4 Sherri R. Cgex, Etiecutqgge Ofcef/Clerk By f‘ f’, , Dept"). 5 atncia Saléido /Q 6 30$ SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ST…

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