Order - Ruling re: motion for undertaking

On May 15, 2018 an other non-personal injury/property damage tort (general jurisdiction) case was filed by Elliot Bertha Smith, represented by Cowles Richard Joseph, against Lurline C. Richardson As Trustee Of The O&L Richardson 2010 Family Trust, Richardson Lurline C., and State Farm General Insurance Company, represented by Langbord Peter Bennett, Mcguire Michael John, Stewart Laurie Anne, and Thomas Ovsanna, in the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Judge David Sotelo presiding.

A129 WWw.lacour.org/tentativerulingeuul/Kesuitonup.aspx MOVING PARTY: Deicudant Lurline C. Richardson, individ....ly, and as Trustee of the O&L Richardson 2010 Family Trust saya ‘County uyoF fe alifornle ‘Loa Angel ' OPPOSITION: None. …

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