Civil Case Cover Sheet

On November 5, 2019 a personal injury/property damage/wrongful death - uninsured motorist (general jurisdiction) case was filed by Ishii Tamae Elizabeth, represented by Ghermezian Raymond, against Legalcorp Solutions Inc., and Whm Llc. A Business Entity, represented by Smith Keith Evan, in the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Judge William A. Crowfoot presiding.

Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 11/05/2019 03:43 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by R. Perez,Deputy Clerk 19STCV39772 C IIII-01 0 ATTQRNEY oR PARTY WITHOUT ATTGRNEY /meme Rale sef numsm snd assess)i FOR Sou/fr USE ONLY Raymond Ghermezian, ESQ. SBN 198777 LAW OFFICES OF RAYMOND GHERMEZIAN 3435 WILSHIRE BLVD. SUITE )800 LOS ANGELES, CA. 90010 (323) 900-5800 TELEPHONE Nou Fax Ho.. (323) 900-5801 ATTGRNEYFon/N Tamae Elizabeth Ishi…

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