Motion for Reconsideration - Motion for Reconsideration

On March 16, 2020 a motor vehicle - personal injury/property damage/wrongful death (limited jurisdiction) case was filed by Jackson Nicole, against Hernandez Jorge, represented by Bilbrew Larry Preston, and Kim Leah J., in the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Judge Katherine Chilton presiding.

Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 02/25/2022 10:23 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by H. Aldana,Deputy Clerk 1 NICOLE Y JACKSON PO tsOX 783 2 HLINTINGTON PARK, C A 9A255 (323) 5r4 - 0502 ., NICOLE Y. JACKSON IN PRO PER 4 5 6 SIJPERIOR COUR.T OF TF{E STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR TE{E COTNTY OF LOS ANGELES 7 LIMITED CIVL CASE 8 o 10 Case…

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