Offer to Compromise - Offer to Compromise Plaintiff's Statutory offer to Compromise

On April 30, 2021 a premise liability (e.g., dangerous conditions of property, slip/trip and fall, dog attack, etc.) (limited jurisdiction) case was filed by Robertson Grant, against Walmart Inc. A Foreign Corporation, represented by Colbert Michael, in the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Judge Mark E. Windham presiding.

£207 LT TO ny =a sa sa a ao ew ew ow a a FILED Grant Robertson Superior Court of California 650 Castro Street ‘ounty of Los Anaeles Mountain View, CA 94041 (818) 879-3503 bev JAN 17 2023 sa ae Den Self-Represented Plaintiff Prateison Gatders SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES GRANT ROBERTSON, ) Case No. 21STLC03415 ) Plaintiff, ) PLAINTIFF'S STATUTORY OFFER ) TO COMPROMISE, PURSUANT TO v. ) C.C.P. § 998 ) WALMART INC., a foreign corporation ) doing business in California and DOES ) 1-10, ) ) Trial Date : January 19, 2023 Defendants. ) Time : 8:30a.m. ) Dept. : 25 TO ALL PARTIES HEREIN AND TO THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure § 998, Plaintiff GRANT ROBERTSON offers to settle and compromise the perding litigation as follows: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Plaintiff GRANT ROBERTSON hereby agrees to accept payment from Defendant WALMART, INC., a foreign corporation, the sum of Sixteen Thousand Dollars ($16,000.00) as settlement in full of th…

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