Small Claims Settlement Agreement - Small Claims Settlement Agreement

On August 4, 2021 a small claims (limited jurisdiction) case was filed by Galvez Laura Sarahi Nava, against Flintrock Management Inc, in the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Judge Emma Castro presiding.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 467DB380-1849-416D-B347-F117E85ECF12 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FILED JURTHOUSE ADDRESS i rt of California oF Stanley Mosk Supeticny of Los Angeles 111.N. Hill St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 FEB 25 2022 tive‘ Otticer/Clerk of Court PLAINTIFF Galvez Deputy DEFENDANT CASE NUMBER srs Flintrock Management Inc. 21STSC02838 DATE AND TIME OF HEARING ‘ 02/25/2022 Small Claims Settlement Agreement DEPARTMENT 90 The parties agree to settle the §/ Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court (Small Claims) and/or (1) Defendant’s Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court on the following terms: N/A 6 +e-pay- thy tots Plaintiff/Defendant Plaintiff/Defendant The total amount shall be paid: O wer bef Oo h-thereafter-until-th a -ie-full 6 Payment: to-b de-in-the-f £1 Cash; Certified funds-Check;_p. | Check; Electronic Transfer;-orl_Oth. N/A Rayment: tobe —submittad —t tthe —following—add N/A in_a.manner that ensures receipt on or hefore th…

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