NOTICE - Preliminary Conference Notice 5/18/21

On August 31, 2020 a case was filed by Dolkuis Barreras, represented by Oresky, Jacob, against L&M Builders Group Llc, New York City Housing Authority, and The City Of New York, represented by Counsel, Corporation, Serlin, Nicolas Matthew, and Showers, Andrew Downing, in the jurisdiction of Bronx County. Judge Marissa Soto presiding.

FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 01/28/2021 12:15 PM INDEX NO. 29675/2020E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 20 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/28/2021 VIRTUAL PART RULES FOR PCS - OCTOBER 2020 RE: Preliminary Conferences in Parts 3 and 33: Counsel: It is the court’s hope that you and yours are in good health during these trying times. During this “Pause,” my staff and I have been busy trying to be responsive to inquiries and questions and have attempted to resolve matters and disputes. If you are receiving this letter, your matter is scheduled for a preliminary conference. In an effort to move cases along during the pandemic, we are directing the following: CITY 1) We are now using the new universal preliminary conference order. The …

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