Motion Seeking A Ruling On Plaintiffs Notice Of Objection To Notice Of Production From Non-Party Bank Of America

On July 23, 2009 a negligence - other negligence case was filed by Hanson, Velta, against Teti, Alma, in the jurisdiction of Collier County. Judge Brodie, Lauren L presiding.

® @ % as , % ]. mn IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT @. % 2, IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ae hy “oe CIVIL ACTION SAR “2 “so % % Bn ELLIS HANSON and 4% “y VELTA HANSON Ryo Plaintiffs, Case No: 09-6515-CA v. ALMA TETI Defendants. / DEFENDANT’S MOTION PURSUANT TO RULE 1.351(D) SEEKING A RULING ON PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF OBJECTION TO NOTICE OF PRODUCTION FROM NON- PARTY, BANK OF AMERICA Defendant, Alma Teti, moves, pursuant to Rule 1.351(d) for a ruling on the objection made by Plaintiffs to the Notice of Production from Non-Party, Bank of America. Defendant further states that the documents sought from Bank of America are relevant to the issues in this case and are likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Respectfully submitted, GRANT, FRIDKIN, PRARSON, ATHAN & ey By: ( “ D. Keith Wickenden, Esq. Florida Bar No. 0897280 5551 Ridgewood Drive, Suite 501 Naples, Florida 34108 (239) 514-1000 (239) 514-0377 (fax)CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HER…

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