Motion For Default On Stephen O Slatter/Dorlores Trapani

On July 2, 2009 a real property mortgage foreclosure case was filed by Fidelity Fed Bank & Trust, and National City Bank Successor By Merger, against Doe, Jane, Doe, John, Slatter, Stephen O, and Trapani, Dolores, in the jurisdiction of Collier County. Judge Foster, Joseph G presiding.

“— IN THE CIRCUIT COURT UF THE 20TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 09-5795-CA. NATIONAL CITY BANK SUCCESSOR BY - MERGER TO FIDELITY FEDERAL BANK & S TRUST MOTION FORDEFAULT 33 = a PLAINTIFF 2 S & vs. <~ en & a> \ gz on s STEPHEN O. SLATTER, ET AL xn Ce Q ™ a He ony om “<9 3B $ of x q Plaintiff moves for entry of default in the above styled cause for failure of defendant(s), TEPISEN oe S ew g SLATTER and DOLORES TRAPANI a/k/a DOLORES T. TRAPANI, to file or serve a pleading othéf’ pape 27 within the time required by law. ° ° Dated this_@ Oday of. May , 2010. | Mgfissa Mftros, ire Law Offices of David J. Stern, P.A. 900 South Pine Island Road Suite 400 Plantation, FL 33324-3920 Telephone: (954)233-8000 Florida Bar #: 0638471 ENTRY OF DEFAULT It appearing that defendant(s), STEPHEN O. SLATTER and DOLORES TRAPANI a/k/a DOLORES T. TRAPANI, in the above styled cause, having been duly served according to law, and said Defe…

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