Reply To Request For Production

On July 16, 2009 an auto negligence case was filed by Easterly, Mable Spears, against Butler, Holly Jane, and Offutt, Rachel Beth, in the jurisdiction of Collier County. Judge Brodie, Lauren L presiding.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION MABLE SPEARS EASTERLY, ) Plaintiff, } v. } CASE NO. 09-6248-CA HOLLY JANE BUTLER and } RACHEL BETH OFFUTT, ) Defendants. PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS’ REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION COMES NOW he Plaintiff, Mable Spears Easterly, by and through her under signed attorney and responds to Defendants' Request for Production as follows: 1. None 2. See Attached 3. See Attached 4. See Attached 5. None 6. See Attached 7. See Attached 8. None 9. None 10. — Will Produce at a later date 11. See Attached12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. None None See Attached See Attached None None None None None See Attached None I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished by hand to Q' lenin B. Fairchild, Esquire, 2400 Fist Street, Suite 300, Fort Myers, Florida 33901 on this day of July, 2010. STEINBERG & LINN, PA Attorneys for the Plaintiff 26…

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