AFFIDAVIT - Joseph A. Brizzi & Sons Affidavit of Service

On October 3, 2018 a torts - other negligence (personal injury) case was filed by Michael Vindigni, represented by Director, Sara Alta, against Flemington Electrical Maintenance Inc., and Joseph A. Brizzi & Sons, Inc., represented by Battisti, Brian L., Gold, Jeffrey B, Marone, Michael Joseph, and Beckley, Michael Patrick, in the jurisdiction of Kings County. Judge Wayne Saitta presiding.

FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/23/2018 10:20 AM INDEX NO. 519872/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/23/2018 Attorney(s) Barasch McGarry Salzman & Penson Index # 510872/18 Purchased/Filed: October 8, 2016 State ofNow York Court: Supreme County: Kings AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE - SECR ETARY OF STATE IlohaelVlndigni against Joseph A Brizzi& Sone Ino etat …

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