On March 1, 2018 a case was filed by Individually And On Behalf Of All Other Persons Similarly Situated, and Sharifa Guzman, represented by Ambinder, Lloyd R, Goldenberg, Joel Levi, and Newhouse, Jack Lee, against And Any Other Affiliated Entities That Employed Plaintiff And Members Of The Putative Class, Kidstown 161 Street Llc, and Versace Retail Systems Llc, represented by Leon, Lisia Lynette, Moss, Andrea Marie, and Rosen, Meredith Brooke, in the jurisdiction of New York County. Judge Alexander M. Tisch presiding.

FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 01:40 PM INDEX NO. 151859/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION For Court Clerk Use Only: ucs-840 (7/2012) IAS EntryDate New York Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF New York Judge Assigned Index No: 151859/2018 Date Index Issued: 03/01/2018 Enter the complete case caption. Do not use et al or et ano. If more space is required, …

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