Motion for Order To Compel Signed Authorizations

2018-2642 Valencia Compel Authorization for Records 3/23/2021

Defendant TARGET CORPORATION’S “Motion for an Order to Compel Signed Authorizations for Records”: Having read and considered the moving papers, opposition and reply the court issues the following tentative ruling:

This is a personal injury lawsuit where plaintiff alleges “[o]n July 28, 2016, Decedent Imelda Valencia picks up her medication at the Target pharmacy. On her way out of the store, she slips on water that was leaking from a beverage refrigerator located next to the cash register. Mrs. Valencia falls, breaks her back, and subsequently dies due to medical complications a year later.” (Opposition 3:4-7.)

Defendant points out “through discovery in this action, it has been established that Ms. Valencia did have a prior history of back complaints and was on disability for years prior to the Target incident.” (MPA 2:9-10.) Defendant also points to a medical record that