Defendant Griffin’s special motion to strike pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 425.16 is GRANTED.
In this action, Plaintiff alleges, among other things, that he was defamed by Defendant Griffin’s internet posts on Yelp, Facebook, and Google Reviews. Griffin’s posts warned people not to do business with Plaintiff, a seller and servicer of security camera equipment, because she claimed he became irrationally angry and aggressive toward her when she asked him to move his work vehicle out of a red zone.
Ruling on an anti-SLAPP motion is a two-step process: “First, the court decides whether the defendant has made a threshold showing that the challenged cause of action is one arising from protected activity. The moving defendant's burden is to demonstrate that the act or acts of which the plaintiff complains were taken ‘in furtherance of the [defendant]'s right of petition or free speech under the United States or California Constitution in connection with a public issue,’ as defin