Sustained in part. 20 days leave to amend. The same pleading of “ultimate facts” rather than “evidentiary” matter or “legal conclusions” is required in pleading affirmative defenses as in pleading the complaint. The answer must aver facts “as carefully and with as much detail as the facts which constitute the cause of action and which are alleged in the complaint.” (FPI Develop., Inc. v. Nakashima (1991) 231 CA3d 367, 384 [internal quotes omitted][answer alleging “fraud in the inducement” and “failure of consideration” demurrable as mere conclusions].) Defendant’s opposition does not even address the 1st -4th ADs. With the exception of the 6th AD addressed below, Defendant has not alleged ultimate facts. As an example, the 10th AD alleges: “Pursuant to Proposition 213, any cause of action and damage alleged in the Complaint is barred by Plaintiffs' failure to comply with and/or plaintiffs' violation of the provisions set forth in Proposition 213.” As Defendant explains in her oppositio