(1) Plaintiff’s Motion to Quash Defendants’ Deposition Subpoena for Records – Lisa Larson, MFT.
(2) Plaintiff’s Motion to Quash Defendants’ Deposition Subpoena for Records – Helene Van Sant-Klein, RN, MFT, LPCC.
Plaintiff’s Motion to Quash Defendants’ Deposition Subpoena for Records – Lisa Larson, MFT.
Plaintiff filed an action against defendants asserting ten causes of action arising from alleged childhood sexual harassment, abuse, and molestation.
Defendants All Star Gym and Gymstars Gymnastics subpoenaed plaintiff’s treatment records held by Lisa Larsen, MFT. The subpoena specified the following records were to be made available for inspection and copying: Any and all records from 1/1/2010 to present, including but not limited to any records/documents that may be stored digitally and/or electronically, relating, pertaining, or referring to any and all physical, mental, and emotional complaints, symptoms, any care, treatment, therapy, examination, evaluation, testing, counseling, and