Petition for Writ of Mandate
The DEIR describes the project as follows: “The County of El Dorado (County) proposes to adopt specific revisions to biological resource objectives, policies, and implementation measures included in the Conservation and Open Space Element of the County’s 2004 General Plan and to adopt an Oak Resources Management Plan (ORMP) and implementing ordinance that revise and update the 2008 Oak Woodlands Management Plan (OWMP).” (AR 2086.) The DEIR describes the mitigation measures set forth in the ORMP as follows: “The proposed ORMP (provided in Appendix C) defines mitigation requirements for impacts to oak woodlands, individual native oak trees, and Heritage Trees, and outlines the County’s strategy for oak resource management and conservation. The ORMP is designed to function as the oak resources component of the County’s Biological Resources Mitigation Program identified in General Plan Policy To this end, the ORMP identifies:
 Standards for oak woodla