This action arises from the alleged medical malpractice of Defendants hospital and individual physicians committed while treating Plaintiff. Plaintiff alleges that she was admitted to Defendant hospital, and while admitted therein, was denied appropriate care and suffered from deficient care at the hands of individually named physicians, ultimately leading to Plaintiff being discharged without any alleviation of her conditions.

The First Amended Complaint alleges five causes of action:

dependent adult abuse/neglect (against Community)

negligence (all defendants)

dependent adult abuse/financial (patient dumping against Community and Ali)

dependent adult abuse/financial (patient dumping against NGA)

dependent adult abuse/financial (wrongful advantage against all defendants)

Defendant physician, Visal Nga, D.O.(“Nga”) demurs to the Fourth and Fifth causes of action of the First Amended Complaint (“FAC”) on grounds that they are uncertain and fail to allege facts suffi