First and Current Account and Report of Trustee; Petition to Settle Account; Petition for Approval of Interim Trustee Fees; Petition for Continued Payment of Interim Trustee Fees; Petition to Ratify Expenditure of Certain Assets of the Trust Estate; Petition for Authority to Expend Trust Assets for Educational Tutoring Services for Beneficiary; Petition for Authority to Expend Trust Assets for a Part-Time Care Provider, Educational Provider, and Transportation Provider for the Benefit of the Beneficiary; And Petition to Fix and Allow Attorney’s Fees [PC § 1060, 2620, 3600 and 17200(a)(5)] PREGRANT ORDER
The courtroom will be open on November 17, 2020. However, because of emergency orders and public health directives due to the COVID-19 pandemic, neither counsel nor petitioner need appear in person. Counsel for petitioner will receive an invitation to attend court remotely via Zoom, and is encouraged to accept that invitation. Counsel may forward that invitation to petitioner and any ot