1. CV60695 Apartment Rental Assistance II, Inc. v. 80 Oak Hills, LP, et al.
As a preliminary matter, the Court notes its understanding that the parties’ agreement at the hearing on July 20, 2018, that the “Complaint in Intervention” would be the operative complaint in this case moving forward meant that Apartment Rental Assistance II, Inc.
(hereafter ARA) retained its status as a plaintiff, even though the original and first amended complaints filed by ARA no longer were operative and even though the “Complaint in Intervention” was filed only by Oak Hills Housing, LP. The Court bases this understanding on the fact that ARA is listed as a plaintiff at paragraph 8 of the “Complaint in Intervention” and on the parties’ treatment of ARA as a plaintiff since then [see footnote below] The party that prepares the proposed order after the January 18, 2019, hearings shall include this information in that proposed order so that the record is clear.
Motion #1: Motion for Clarification re Dismi