1. CV59610 Robert Brennan, et al. v. Nathan Gardner, et al.
Motion: New trial
Moving party: Plaintiff
Motion filed: April 16, 2018
Tentative ruling: The motion is DENIED.
Judgment was entered on March 14, 2018 [see footnote below] following a jury trial in December 2017 and January 2018. Plaintiff Robert S. Brennan, attorney in fact for Mary F. Brennan and co- trustee of the Mary F. Brennan Living Trust, was adjudged not to be entitled to any monetary recovery as a result of Defendant Nathan D. Gardner’s conduct, and Defendant was deemed to be the prevailing party, entitled to costs in an amount to be determined. Notice of entry of judgment was filed on March 20, 2018; the attached proof of service reflects that notice was mailed to Plaintiff’s counsel by first-class U.S. mail on March 19, 2018.
On April 4, 2018, Plaintiff filed a notice of intention to move for a new trial. Plaintiff was required to have filed his notice of intention to move for a new trial within 15 d