bryan christopher goff, Plaintiff, v. mike davis, et al., Defendants.

Case No.: BC707833

Hearing Date: September 25, 2020


motions to compel discovery responses

Defendants Mike Davis and Worldwide Real Estate Development LLC (“Defendants”) move to compel responses from Plaintiff Bryan Christopher Goff (“Plaintiff”) to: (1) Request for Production of Documents, Set One (“RPD”); (2) Form Interrogatories, Set One (“FROG”); and (3) Special Interrogatories, Set One (“SROG”). Plaintiff moves to deem admitted specified in Requests for Admissions, Set One (“RFA”). However, Defendants concede that, on the date Plaintiff’s responses were due, Plaintiff served objections to the requests. While Plaintiff’s responses were unverified, Plaintiff was not required to verify responses that consist only of objections. (Food 4 Less Supermarkets, Inc. v. Superior Court (1995) 40 Cal.App.4th 651, 656.) Accordingly, Defendants should have filed motions to compel further responses if