tianyi zhao, Plaintiff, v. xiong zhang, Defendant.

Case No.: BC707749

Hearing Date: March 9, 2020


Motion for order permitting discovery of defendant’s financial condition


Plaintiff Tianyi Zhao (“Plaintiff”) filed this action against Defendant Ziong Zhang (“Defendant”), asserting causes of action for sexual battery, assault, battery, violations of Civil Code section 51.7 and 52.4, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Plaintiff alleges that Defendant groped her while she was working at a casino at which Defendant was a patron. Now, Plaintiff seeks leave to conduct discovery on Defendant’s financial condition in order to support her prayer for punitive damages. Defendant opposes the motion, which is denied without prejudice.


Pretrial discovery of a defendant’s financial condition is not permitted without leave of court. (Civ. Code, § 3295, subd. (c).) Before granting leave to conduct pretrial discovery of a defendant’s f