The two motions for summary judgment and summary adjudication set for Tuesday, November 20, 2018, are CONTINUED to a future date to be discussed with the parties. CourtCall appearances are accepted.

The two Oppositions to the Motions for Summary Judgment filed by the parties contain numerous exhibits conditionally filed under seal pursuant to California Rules of Court Rule 2.551. The Court must first determine whether the motions to seal are expected to be opposed and appropriate future hearing dates set to ensure the motions to seal are heard and decided prior to the Court’s ruling on the motions for summary judgment and adjudication.

On October 26, 2018, Plaintiffs and Cross-Defendants Fantasy Cookie Corporation, Joseph Semder, and Richard Semder timely filed a motion to seal documents filed on October 18, 2018 in connection with Bar Bakers’ opposition to Cross-Defendants’ motion for summary judgment and adjudication. The hearing was scheduled by the Cross-Defendants for March 4, 2