HEARING DATE: January 10, 2020


CASE NAME: Arkius Inc. v. Hyundae Health Center, Inc., et al.

TRIAL DATE: None. Notice of Settlement March 11, 2016

MOTION: Plaintiff Arkius, Inc.’s Motion for Attorney Fees

MOVING PARTIES: Plaintiff, Arkius, Inc.

RESPONDING PARTY: Defendants, Charles Yeh, Christine Yeh

MOVING PAPERS: Timely filed September 30, 2019

OPPOSITION: Timely filed December 27, 2019

REPLY: None filed as of January 8, 2020

TENTATIVE: Arkius’ motion for attorney’s fees is granted in-part. Arkius is awarded attorney fees and costs in the total amount of $59,269.47 as the prevailing party on Contract Nos. 3 and 4. Plaintiff to give notice.


Much of the description of the facts of this case are taken from the last two court of appeal decisions and the factual discussions in the trial court’s minute order dated May 13, 2013 and the ruling on the Arkius motion for fees. The court is somewhat hampered in deciding this motion by the parties’ fai