COVID-19 NOTICE: Until further notice, all attorneys and self-represented parties in law and motion hearings must appear via Court Call; there shall be no personal appearances without the prior approval of Judge McKaig. You may contact Court Call as follows: or call 888-882-6878. Please check in by 8:20 AM for the 8:30 AM calendar.
To submit on a tentative decision, e-mail the Court at or by fax to Judge McKaig's secretary, Isabel Alarcon, at 805-477-8790. If a party submits on the tentative decision without appearing, but another party appears, the hearing will be conducted in the absence of the non-appearing party. ____________________
The Court intends to DENY Defendant William Gates' request to strike the request for punitive damages in Plaintiffs Tatiana Valentini's and Clayton Pfaendler's Complaint, on the ground that Plaintiffs sufficiently allege that Defendant Gates acted with "malice" within the meaning of C