Second Account and Report & Attorney Fees
GC-020 mailed 01/12/21 to Sophia Rose DuBois c/o Michelle T. Hodapp, mother/guardian of the estate. Probate Code §2621 requires notice to the ward. (See Probate Code §2621; Probate Code §1460). However, the ward is 12 (dob 10/5/08) so the exception of Probate Code §1460.1 does apply (a) notice was properly given to the parent or (b) the petition is brought by a parent/guardian with whom the minor resides.
Promissory note interest payments of $4,943.50. The principal column on Sch A in the amount of $21,681.22 should be on the Change in Form of Asset Schedule, since it is not used to calculate the Receipts. Petitioner did not include a change in form of asset schedule showing the principal amount of the loan decreasing as the cash on hand increased. However, an Amortization schedule was attached to the Supplement as Exh B that indicated the ending balance of the Note.
The supplemented fee declaration is still lacking the elements of CRC 7.