Complaint in Intervention filed by Mt. Hawley Insurance Company under CCP Sec. 387(a). The Complaint in Intervention is more in the nature of an answer [allowing intervenor to unite "with the defendant in resisting the claims of the plaintiff" – Sec 387(a)], and is therefore at issue without further response required from any other party.
Complaint in Intervention is a substitution for an answer by High Tower Electric to the First Amended Complaint of Dux, the Cross-Complaint of Automatic Control Systems, the Cross-Complaint of G4S Solutions USA, and Second Amended Cross-Complaint of DEB Construction. JTD whether High Tower Electric (a suspended corporation) can be dismissed, or should remain in the case as a nominal, inactive defendant.
Second Amended Cross-Complaint of DEB Construction was served by mail on Cross-Defendants Automatic Control Systems and G4S Solutions USA on 05/30/14. No response or default has been filed by these Cross-Defendants to date. JTD status of response/defau