Re: Motion of Attorney Elizabeth Alvarado to appear as counsel pro hac vice for Defendant HCA Holdings Inc.
Grant the motion, permitting Attorney Elizabeth Alvarado to appear in this action pro hac vice as counsel for Defendant HCA Holdings Inc. (which owns Defendant Los Robles Regional Medical Center)
1. The verified application states that Ms. Alvarado is a member of the Texas bar, in good standing.
2. The statutory requirements for a pro hac vice motion have been met (CRC 9.40.) The proof of service does not reflect service on the California State Bar, however, attorney Ms. Canon (¶4) submits a delcaration stating that she sent a service copy to the State Bar when she mailed in the check for $50.
3. No opposition to the motion has been filed.
4. Counsel shall prepare an order for the Court's signature.