The Motion (ROA # 50) of Plaintiff Karl Beck ("Plaintiff") for an order (1) Compelling Defendant Point Loma Patients Consumer Cooperative Corporation ("Defendant" or "PLPCC") to respond to Plaintiff's Request for Production No. 1, and produce an export list of names and addresses of PLPCC's patrons to a notice administrator agreed by the parties within 14 days (the "Administrator"); (2) Approving the form of Notice and Opt-Out form to absent putative class members as attached to Exhibit "D" of the Declaration of William R. Restis in support of Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Production of Putative Class Member List and Approve Opt-Out Notice (the "Notice"); (3) Directing that recipients of the Notice shall have 30 days from the date of mailing to opt-out of disclosure of their name and address to Plaintiff's counsel; (4) Directing that within 40 days from the date of mailing of the Notice, the Administrator shall tender the names and addresses of Notice recipients that did not opt-out of