The Motion (ROA # 485) of Plaintiffs MAYAN MOONEY and CHAYLA CLAY ("Plaintiffs") for an order compelling Defendant MONSTER ENERGY COMPANY ("Defendant") to provide further answers to Plaintiffs' Request for Production of Documents (Set Three) and Request for Admissions, Set Three, on the grounds that Defendant's objections to Plaintiffs' Request for Admissions ("RFA's") and Request for Production of Documents ("RFPD's") are improperly advanced, fall short of Defendant's obligations under the California Discovery Act, and are intentionally evasive, and for an order imposing monetary sanctions against Defendant, pursuant to the authority of Code of Civil Procedure sections 2030.300, 2031.310, and 2031.320, is GRANTED IN PART, DENIED IN PART and will be HEARD IN PART.

Defendant's objections to Plaintiffs' RFA's are, except as noted, OVERRULED. Defendant's objections to RFA no. 66 are SUSTAINED.

Defendant is directed to serve verified further responses, without objections, within twenty (