Defendants Lori Lynn Arnold, M.D., California Center for Reproductive Medicine and California Center for Reproductive Sciences (the Arnold Defendants)'s motion for enforcement of judgment is granted. Prior to the appeal, the Court entered an amended judgment and awarded the Arnold Defendants $90,511.42 in costs. The appeal stayed enforcement of the judgment. The Arnold Defendants now move for the original $90,511.42 in costs, plus post-judgment interest in the amount of $21,995.47, for a total of $112,506.89.

Plaintiffs are correct that the legal authority cited by the Arnold Defendants generally state that interest on the judgment accrues, but the Court does not see any harm in confirming that the Arnold Defendants are entitled to the original award of $90,511.42, plus post-judgment interest in the amount of $21,995.47, for a total of $112,506.89 as of the date of this hearing. (Code Civ. Proc., §§ 685.010 & 685.020; see also, Chodos v. Borman (2015) 239 Cal.App.4th 707, 712; Munoz v