The Court issues the following tentative ruling in advance of the Case Management Conference scheduled for February 26, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., by remote appearance in Department 40. The Court has received the parties' Joint Case Management Conference Statement, filed February 16, 2021.

No appearance is required subject to the following conditions:

The Court is advised that Defendants have filed a Petition for Coordination with the Judicial Council of California, which seeks coordination of cases including the present case. Defendants seek coordination and assignment to Los Angeles County Superior Court. The parties advise that such petition remains pending and undecided. The parties report that while discovery is ongoing in this matter, they have met and conferred regarding steps to conserve resources in the various actions while the petition for coordination is pending.

In light of the present status of this case, the Court sets the next Case Management Conference for June 4, 2021, at