No appearances are required.


To request limited oral argument on any matter on this calendar, please contact the clerk in department 41 at (916) 874-5661 by 4:00 p.m. the court day before this hearing and advise opposing counsel. If there is no request for hearing, the tentative ruling becomes the order of the court. Local Rule 3.04.

The Court has read and considered plaintiff's notice of motion and unopposed Motion for final approval of class action settlement and unopposed motion for approval of attorneys' fees, costs, and enhancement. Furthermore, the Court has read and considered the declaration of Daniel P. LA with respect to notification and settlement administration and the declarations of Michael H. Kim and Ronald Makarem in support of plaintiff's motion for final approval of class action settlement and for attorneys' fees and costs.

After having read and considered the moving papers and declarations, the Court is satisfied and grants the unopposed class action sett