Before the Court are two unopposed motions to compel, brought by Defendant Sheryl Clutter (here “MP”). The motions seek to compel responses to Form Interrogatories, Set One, and Requests for Production, Set One, served by MP on 3/5/20, on Plaintiff Ashley Terreforte (“Plaintiff”). The motions are GRANTED IN PART.
MP asserts that Plaintiff did not provide timely responses to that discovery, and still has not responded thereto. (Chou Decls. ¶¶ 2-5, Exs. A, B.) Plaintiff has not filed any response whatsoever to the Motions. If responses are not timely provided to Form Interrogatories or Requests for Production, all objections thereto are waived, and responses may be compelled without objection. (C.C.P. § 2030.290(a), (b) & § 2031.300(a), (b).) As Plaintiff failed to timely respond to the discovery at issue, Plaintiff is ordered to provide verified responses, without objections, within 15 days after service of notice of this ruling.
MP’s requests for sanctions are GRANTED IN PART. Sanction