Defendant United Medical Imaging Healthcare Inc. and United Medical Imaging Inc.’s Motion for Protective order
Defendants request that the following documents/portions of documents be sealed:
An executed 2/19/19 Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU” filed as ROA 128) either in whole or ¶¶ 2, 3 and 9. The following page and line references from defendants’ opposition to plaintiff’s motion to enforce a portion of the MOU (ROA 153): 2:15, 16-23 and 26; 6:13; 7:2-11, 15, 18-28 (footnotes 7-11); 8:7-8 and 9-10; 9:28 and 10:5-6 and 15-16
The following page and line references from the Anwandter Declaration filed in opposition to the motion to enforce (ROA 154): 2:8-20; 3:24-28; Exhibit A at i:12-14, 2:11-14 and 21-28, 3:1-3, 5:11-23, 8:15-27, 14:16-17 and 20-26, pp.15-18, 19:13-28, 20:1-3, 22:15-17; Exhibit B at i:12-14, 2:12-14 and 22-28, 3:1-4, 5:14-24, 8:23-28, 9:1-7, 14:23-28, pp.15-19, 20:1-5 and 18-23, 21:1-10, 24:3-5; Exhibit C at i:12-13, 2:12-15 and 22-28, 3:1-4, 5:13-25, 8:20-27, 9:1-